
Can I exercise during my IVF/Egg Freezing cycle?

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Can I exercise during my IVF/Egg Freezing cycle?

As a woman who is considering or currently undergoing IVF or egg freezing, you may be wondering if it’s safe to exercise during your IVF or Egg freezing cycle. While it’s important to prioritise your health and well-being, it’s understandable that you want to maintain your exercise routine and stay active.

exercising during IVF and egg freezing

The Benefits of Exercise During IVF/Egg Freezing

Exercise is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle, and it can provide many benefits for women who are undergoing IVF or egg freezing. Regular exercise can help reduce stress levels, which is particularly important during a time when you may be feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

Exercise can also improve your overall physical health, including cardiovascular health, which can benefit both you and your future pregnancy.


Potential Risks of Exercise During IVF/Egg Freezing

While exercise is generally considered safe during IVF or egg freezing, there are some potential risks to be aware of.

Exercising is “OK” during the first half of the stimulation phase of IVF or egg freezing. In the second half though, the ovaries will be a lot bigger and it is generally recommended not to do impact sports like running to avoid pain in these now distended ovaries. A distended ovary can hurt just by the fact that it is distended but it can also suffer a condition called ovarian torsion even though it’s rare, it can be serious.


Guidelines for Safe Exercise During IVF/Egg Freezing

If you want to stay active during your IVF or egg-freezing cycle, here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid high-impact exercises, especially during the second week of the stimulation phase: High-impact exercises such as running, jumping or kickboxing can make the distended ovaries wobble and cause pain or the aforementioned ovarian torsion. Instead, focus on low-impact activities like walking, swimming or yoga.
  2. Listen to your body: If you’re feeling tired or unwell, it’s important to listen to your body and take a recovery break.

Remember, every body is unique, and it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor if you are used to a highly intense workout routine. Only your doctor can provide you with proper medical orientation according to your situation.

Doctor Hans Arce | Fertility Specialist and Medical Director at ReproMed Ireland