
Is egg freezing for me?

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Is egg freezing for you?

Egg freezing has definitely been getting more attention over the past few years. In modern days, we see many more women postponing their family plans to focus on their career and other personal goals.

egg freezing

Why Egg Freezing?

Perhaps you’re not yet ready to start a family, but you don’t want to waste your chance of having a baby in the future. Or maybe you have a medical condition that could affect your fertility, or you just haven’t found the perfect partner yet.

In modern times, some women may experience doubts about whether they want to be a mother or not and this technique offers the possibility of keeping your fertility options open for longer without committing to having children immediately.

How Does it Work?

Freezing your eggs involves a process called vitrification, in which the eggs are rapidly frozen to -196 degrees Celsius using liquid nitrogen. This process effectively pauses the biological clock for those eggs, preserving the eggs in their current state until they’re needed in the future.

When you’re ready to use your frozen eggs, they will be thawed and fertilised with sperm through a process called Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). The fertilised eggs will then be transferred to your uterus in the hopes of achieving a successful pregnancy.

Is it Right for You?

If you’re considering freezing your eggs now, it’s important to speak with a fertility specialist to determine if it’s the right option for you. They can evaluate your individual circumstances and provide guidance on the best course of action.

That being said, it can be a great option for women who want to improve their chances of having a child in the future. It can be especially beneficial for those who are not yet ready to start a family, but want to keep their options open.

Egg freezing can also provide peace of mind for women who have medical conditions that could affect their fertility, such as endometriosis or cancer. By freezing their eggs, you can increase your chances of having a biological child in the future and it can be a great option for those wanting to protect their fertility.

We encourage you to speak with one of our fertility doctors to learn more about the process and how it could benefit you, particularly if you’re experiencing doubts about whether you want to be a mother or not, now or later.

Book your egg freezing consultation here

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