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The ReproMed Blog

Read more about reproductive health, fertility treatments, and the journey to parenthood.

The ReproMed Blog


Is ICSI better than IVF?

The world of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) may seem overwhelming, with various options available. Among these options, you might have come across two commonly used methods: ICSI and IVF.

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egg freezing

Is egg freezing for you?

Egg freezing has definitely been getting more attention over the past few years. In modern days, we see many more women postponing their family plans to focus on their career and other personal goals.

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What is MACS?

Men with high degrees of DNA fragmentation can have poorer reproductive results than men without this condition. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of MACS, how it is performed before insemination, and explore the various topics…

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Understanding Egg Freezing and Egg Donation

Every living organism has cycles in life. The human cycle involves moments for psychomotor development (childhood), maturation (adolescence), reproduction (late adolescence, early adulthood), late adulthood, and senescence.

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What are the Most Common Fertility Tests?

Not being able to conceive when you had hoped can be a devastating surprise for couples who have no known health conditions or fertility issues.

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fertility supplements

Supplements and fertility: what do you need to know

The deficiency of certain micronutrients has been linked to difficulties in conception and fetal malformations. This has been the origin of the safety net culture generated around vitamin and micronutrient supplementation.

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